October 2018 Newsletter

Behind the Scenes in the Museum The Diggers Ball was a great success with all the tickets sold and requests for another event next year. Congratulations and thanks to the organising committee and all the other organisations involved. The Kimbriki and Wingham Tuesday Craft groups made 130 poppies for decoration for the ball and these…

August / September 2018 Newsletter

Behind the Scenes in the Museum The MVHS AGM was held on Wednesday 15th August. Management and Committee members are as follows… Neale Greenaway, President, Terry Tournoff and Leon Poulton Vice Presidents, Secretary, Kathie Bell and Treasurer, Lesley Poulton. Other Committee members are Robyn Greenway, Gary Hollis, Scott Grant, Carol Pammer, Jenny Nicoll, Kim Armstrong…

July 2018 Museum Newsletter

Behind the Scenes in the Museum MVHS AGM – Wednesday 15th August Nominations for Management and Committee members will be from 25th July and will close 7 days prior to the AGM, on 8th August. Nomination forms will be available from the Secretary’s office and nominations are to be posted on the meeting room notice…

June 2018 Museum Newsletter

Behind the Scenes in the Museum Volunteer Projects Another busy month for volunteers. The Maintenance and Workroom Teams have been working together to refurbish the wall cabinets in the front room of the Museum with sealing and painting to better preserve the collection and enhance presentation. Dust and dirt are major pollutants so good housekeeping…

May 2018 Museum Newsletter

Behind the Scenes: Maintenance, Exhibits and Display In mid-April, we hosted Stephen Bromhead, State MP, David Gillespie, Federal MP, Members of Wingham RSL Sub-Branch, Members and Guests of MVHS at the launch of Stage 1 of our new War Cabinet display. As part of the commemoration for the Centenary of World War One, we were…

April 2018 Museum Newsletter

Behind the Scenes Our new website has been receiving favourable comments and there have been archives and tour booking requests, also book and photo sales. Please access our page as this helps to increase our public profile and the potential to increase visitor numbers. www.winghammuseum.com.au Our museum shop sales have been reasonable with torches, postcards…