December 2020 AGM Minutes

Manning Valley Historical Society Inc

Annual General Meeting Minutes

(2nd December 2020)


Meeting declared open at 10:35 a.m. with President, Garry Hollis, in the chair who welcomed everyone to the 2020 AGM which was delayed by COVID restrictions.  Meeting held at Wingham Services Club.

Attendance:  Garry Hollis (President), Terry Tournoff (Vice-President), Leon Poulton (Vice Present), Leslie Poulton (Treasurer), Katherine Bell (Secretary), Peter Langdown, Sue Langdown, Robyn Greenaway, Kim Armstrong, Kaye Wallace, Arthur Cooper, Carol Clarke, Judith Jackson, Kath Hill, Margaret Clarke, Mave Richardson, Eric Richardson, Judy Yarrington, Carol Pammer, Bob Berry, Scott Grant, Neale Greenaway.

Apologies:  Mary Church, Frank Pammer, Ray Chandler.  Move to Accept Apologies:  Judy Yarrington, seconded by Margaret Clark.  Carried.

Motion to Receive the Minutes of the Previous AGM held Wednesday, 21st August 2019:  Moved by Mave Richardson, seconded by Judy Yarrington.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes:  Nil.



President’s Reports by Garry Hollis:  Over the last 12 months, we have completed major projects & survived the COVID shut down.  I have enjoyed my time as president but feel it is time for a change.  I wish the new committee all the best.

Treasurer’s Report by Leslie Poulton:  Good times July to October 2019, bushfires & smoke November to January 2020, then COVID lockdown mid-March to 1st June.  By reopening time, our main balance was just under $1,000.  Once we reopened in June, memberships and an influx in visitor numbers to the museum, saw our balance increase to $7,747.86.  Overall, we have a healthy balance of just over $14,000 but are expecting a few hefty bills in the coming months.

Secretary’s Report by Katherine Bell:  Total membership for 2019/2020 was 108.  For 2020/2021 financial year, membership is 93, down 15 from last year.  Some members did not return after COVID lockdown, including some volunteers sent to us from Centrelink.

Museum tours for 2019/2020 were 11 before the lockdown.  Since reopening the museum, we have hosted six tours.  Members’ payment for journals for 2019/2020 was 44.  For 2020/2021, the number is 38 so far.  Numbers sold from the museum shop is unknown.

Curator’s Report by Terry Tournoff:  Projects Completed – upgrading the Work Room & Work Shed (to meet safety standards); new custom-built set of drawers to house the Fred Murray Bird Egg Collection.

New Acquisitions – a beautifully restored four-wheel, horse drawn buggy possibly used by Dr Kelly for his patients’ rounds in the late 1800s, early 1900s; an early painting of the Manning River by Kristina McLeod.

Future Plans – refurbishment of the museum’s Reception Area; reorganising the rear Machinery Shed; refreshing all the displays throughout the museum.

Archives’ Report by Kaye Wallace:  There were 21 research inquiries via email, all actioned.  Also, we were able to help a number of people with their inquires in person.

Arthur Cooper completed his series of books on sawmilling in the Manning Valley, produced four volumes on shipping in our area & completed a book on the businesses of Bent Street, Wingham.  He & Carol Clarke continue to work on the history of the Wingham Business District giving the chronology of each site, type of business & style of advertising.  Margaret Clark has been researching the history of Taree hotels.

Future Plans – begin researching Taree businesses & update & refine the family files.

Photo Curator’s Report by Judy Yarrington:  Photographic collection continues to increase in digital form.  Following up enquiries & requests for photographs via email & in person.

Peter Langdown has produced quality images for museum displays, Facebook & other projects.  Darryl Gregory has provided images for the local media & assisted Robyn Greenaway in photographing & interviewing local business owners about their experiences with COVID, for future generations.  The popularity of our Facebook page is increasing.

Providing photographs for Graham Wilson who is researching war memorials in Northern NSW for the NSW War Memorial Register.

Book Report by Carol Pammer:  Book sales were down because our usual outlets (museum, Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival & A Day in the Country) were either cancelled or closed down due to COVID.  Since reopening the museum, book sales have steadily increased.  Our best sellers were Sawmill Books Nos. 1-7, Jimmy Governor, History of Mt. George & Historic Wingham.  We have 21 book titles we sell on commission.

Shop Report by Cherie Jenkins (read by Carol Pammer):  Up until COVID lockdown, the shop had done fairly well with sales up slightly on last year.  Since reopening the museum, sales have been better than expected.  The most popular items were fridge magnets, hat badges, rulers & stubbie holders.

Grants Report by Scott Grant:  Grants were received for the following projects – Workroom Redevelopment Project; Maintenance (Work) Shed; new display draws for Bird Eggs Collection; ipad for maritime section.  We recently won two major grants for a new A3 scanner & rehousing the Archival Collection.

Future Plans – New Strategic Plan based on the Preservation Needs Assessment & the Building Improvement Report.

IT Report by Scott Grant:  Hard drives on four computers have been lost.  Several others are approaching the end of their serviceable life.  Our collections’ database, photographic collection and digital archives are all stored on our IT network & irreplaceable if lost.

Future Plans – Urgent need to address above problem & commit to an IT Management Plan or invite an expert to assess the situation.

Collection Management & Workroom Report by Robyn Greenaway:  Workroom Upgrade – new air-conditioning, a large compactus for textiles, a set of clothing drawers, new lighting & fans, a new desk space, a moveable workbench & new storage space in the old alleyway.

Held two successful ‘Night in the Museum’ plays using local stories & have written two more to used when COVID allows.  Held an exhibition in Workroom last school holidays showcasing dresses from different decades.  Now preparing a Xmas exhibition of evening wear.  Also planning a ‘Night at the Flicks’ using a power point presentation using photos from our collection.

Future Plans – A special travelling exhibition funded by Maritime Museum next year titled ‘Remarkable Men & Their Boats’, held in Workroom.  Sue & Peter Langdown are putting together our contribution with photographs from MVHS collection.

Working on ipad, bought with grant from Maritime Museum, installing images of local boat builders, shipwrecks, punts, cream boats, droghers and passenger launches so visitors can view our extensive collection of maritime photos.

Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival Report by Katherine Bell:  This year’s Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival (BWSF) was cancelled due to COVID but plans are under way to hold it next year, first week in June.  BWSF invested grant money in street banners which will be displayed in Bent & Isabella Street in the months before the festival.

Future Plans – To present Wingham as a Scottish Town, similar to Glen Innes.

Motion to Receive Reports:  Moved by Judy Yarrington, seconded by Terry Tournoff.


All positions now declared vacant.  Mave Richardson invited to take the Chair for the elections.

** All positions on the Management Committee were elected unopposed.

President:  Terry Tournoff (nominated by Robyn Greenaway, 2nd by Scott Grant)

Vice – President:  Robyn Greenaway (nominated by Carol Pammer, 2nd by Leon Poulton)

Vice-President:  Kaye Wallace (nominated by Carol Clarke, 2nd by Margaret Clark)

Treasurer:  Leslie Poulton (nominated by Carol Pammer, 2nd by Katherine Bell)

Secretary:  Katherine Bell (Nominated by Leon Poulton, 2nd by Terry Tournoff)

Committee Members:  Carol Clarke (nominated by Kaye Wallace, 2nd by Margaret Clark)

Margaret Clark (nominated by Kaye Wallace, 2nd by Carol Clarke)

Scott Grant (nominated by Margaret Clark, 2nd by Carol Clarke)

Cherie Jenkins (nominated by Carol Pammer, 2nd by Terry Tournoff)

Carol Pammer (nominated by Cherie Jenkins, 2nd by Terry Tournoff)

Leon Poulton (nominated by Carol Pammer, 2nd by Terry Tournoff)

Judy Yarrington (nominated by Kaye Wallace, 2nd by Carol Clarke)

Auditor:  Wingham Accounting Services – moved by Leslie Poulton, 2nd by Kath Hill.  Carried unanimously.

Public Officer:  Kerry Fitzgerald – moved by Garry Hollis, 2nd by Katherine Bell.  Carried unanimously.

Mave Richardson, as Returning Officer, vacated the chair & incoming President, Terry Tournoff completed further business.  Mave expressed much appreciation for the work of the MVHS members.


  1. President Tournoff: Thanked Mave & welcomed new Management Committee Team.  He thanked all members for surviving COVID & keeping the museum & MVHS together.  Most played multiple roles.
  2. Appointment of Patrons: Eric & Mave Richardson accepted appointment.  Secretary to write to Stephen Bromhead (State M.P.) & Prof. John Ramsland, re: Patrons’ Appointment.
  3. Members’ Monthly Meetings: Discussion around changing monthly meetings to every second month.  Motion: That monthly meetings be held every two months starting from 17 February 2021 (Wednesday, 10 a.m.) instead of monthly.  Moved by Terry Tournoff, 2nd by Kath Hill.  Amendment to Motion by Neale Greenaway:  If a member wishes an issue to be discussed before next Members’ Monthly Meeting, put it in writing or email it to the Secretary & it will be brought up at the next Management Committee Meeting.  Motion & Amendment were carried unanimously.

First Management Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 19th January 2021, 1:30 p.m.

  1. Appointment of Addition Officers: See separate list.
  2. Membership Fees & Museum Entry Fees: No changes for this financial year.


AGM Meeting closed at 11:30 a.m.



  1. Trip to Glen Innes: Garry Hollis to organise a trip to Glen Innes & Inverell next April/May, a three day trip with two overnight stays.
  2. Christmas Morning Tea: To be held on Wednesday, 9th December, starting about 10:30 a.m., under the awning of the museum.  Please bring a plate.  Coffee & tea will be provided.


General Business closed at 11:40 a.m.