Journal #60 – June 2019
Pioneering Doctors of the Manning Valley: 1850 – 1870
Throughout the first 40 years of settlement in the Manning Valley, medical assistance was difficult to obtain. A number of doctors came and went, unable to secure a reasonable living. From patients living so fare away from the very small townships and so many unable to pay for their services. There was much reliance on unqualified, but often excellent, medical help.
Dr Fredrick Calov: A Country Practice 1864 – 1870
German-born Dr Fredrick Calov settled in the Manning Valley with his family, firstly in Taree and then in Cundletown. He was appointed Government Medical Officer and Coroner before his premature death in 1870. Here we look at many of the medical cases he death with in his practice.
Dr Neville Howse on the Manning
Dr Neville Howse spent five years doctoring on the Manning from 1890. English born and highly trained, he served as a medical officer in South Africa, where he was awarded the Victoria Cross, and later at Gallipoli. Here we present his time on the Manning in three sections. Firstly the recollections of Herbert Gordon, who knew him. Secondly, newspaper reports of his doctoring and the high regard in which he was held. Thirdly, a poem written about him by John Ramsland.
Sketches of Taree in 1886
We present an outstanding drawing of Taree in 1886 just 32 years after its establishment as well as one of Taree Wharf.
The First Schools in the Manning Valley, Part 1: 1850 – 1856
In 1848, the Board of National Education was established in the colony of New South Wales to open secular national schools (now called public schools). Support for the church-established schools was continued under the Denominational School Board and the new National School Board supported the establishment of the public schools. Private schools also existed, but these had no support or oversight by the Government. School attendance was not compulsory.
Raymond Saxby Recalls His Days at Taree Public School 1937 – 1943
The late Raymond “Ray” Leslie Saxby started kindergarten at Taree Public Sch0ool in 1937. In 1989, as Taree Public School celebrated its 125th anniversary, Ray provided his recollections of his enjoyable days of learning at the school. His original copy is now in our Archives.
Cost: $10.00 36 pages A4: 21cm x 29cm