Alexander (Alick/ Alex) Gibson’s Letter Home
Alexander Gibson writes to his sister Grace, from Egypt 1916.
Alexander (Alex/ Alick) was killed in Gaza in Palestine 19.4.1917 (age 21).
7th Regiment Australian Light Horse Intermediate Base, Egypt
Dear Grace
I suppose you will be wondering why I did not write this before this. Well I’ve written three letters home since I’ve been in Egypt but I haven’t had any from Australia yet. Baring two that came to me to Menangle (training camp) and was sent on. I can’t make it out. It is nine weeks since we left Australia. when you are writing always number your letters. The training is very hard here but I suppose it is all in the game. A fellow has to take the hard with the good when you are a soldier. Willie (brother) has been sick in the hospital for a month with the scarlet fever but he is quite well again now, as for myself I was never feeling better in my life than what I feel now. So don’t worry (about) us. How are the old people getting along at home. where is George now. How Alice and Mary getting along and May and Ted I suppose they are still on that station of theirs. Have you heard from Bob (brother) lately when you are writing send me his address. So as I can write to him. How is mother getting along over the pay I left three shillings a day to her. I don’t know who Willie left his pay to as I haven’t seen him yet. He has been in Cairo all the time. I had a letter from his the other day he was getting along alright then. He said he would be back in camp in a day or so. His battalion left for France so he will have to join a new company and I think he will have a good (chance) of getting into the Light Horse. Well Grace I haven’t time to write anymore so I think I will say hoping this letter will find you all well at home as it leaves me
From your loving brother Alex